Dear Reader,
First things first, thank you for subscribing and reading The Trench Dispatch. You're part of a great motley crew of cultural connoisseurs. I truly think so. But more earnestly, I am very grateful for your subscription and your audience.
The Trench Dispatch is my primary focus and work, and I plan to make it grow into something worthwhile and formidable. It is vehicle to articulate my thoughts, opinions, and creative expression, but I hope it becomes a window to the different perspectives and experiences floating about in the ether. Other writers and thinkers. Other peoples. Yours.
To that end, I’d very much welcome comments and active discussion threads at the end of my pieces. Criticize me, admire me, advise me; plug your opinions, thoughts and works, or your friend’s. It’s all good. Also, if you think the kind of content here may appeal to a friend, or a foe, please do share my work with them. Ofc, it is my job to make it compelling enough for you. I’ll be working at that.
Substack keeps saying it is a revolutionary platform that has changed writing as a career in the digital age. Maybe it has, maybe it will - time will tell. They keep stating they allow writers and readers to form communities on the platform. Again, affirmations y’know. Fake it till you make it. I’ve seen a few writers make it here. And that’s what I intend to do.
You may have noticed the month of February was dormant on the Dispatch. I was taking stock of how to proceed for the future and formulate a more structured publishing cycle. From now on, the cycle will go as follows:
i) One nonfiction “Essay” on a sociocultural topic/theme.
ii) A couple (2 or 3) “Narratives” or stories (loosely) related to the theme.
And then, a new cycle. I’m thinking a 2 month cycle?
For this coming cycle (this month), the theme is - DESIRE.
That’s it for now. I’m also thinking maybe - recommendation section about content I’m consuming, idk.